Digital Business & Future

Driving the economy of tomorrow today. Be part of the digital transformation. Here you will find guides, expert opinions and success stories on the topic.
Digital Business & Future 16.04.2021

Successful and productive in home office: Here’s how!

The home office has become the normal state for many employees. With these tips, we'll show you why the ... »

Digital Business & Future 31.03.2021

Virtual Events: Inspire customers in 3D worlds

At 3D virtual events, attendees are free to move, talk, and share. This experience brings higher participation ... »

Digital Business & Future 30.03.2021

What happens after the system crash? How companies manage the reboot

In a year of crisis, many companies demonstrated surprisingly agile innovation capabilities. Now, however, ... »

Digital Business & Future 10.03.2021

Boom around Clubhouse – Is the social listening app also interesting for the HR sector?

What is the reason for the boom of the social listening app Clubhouse? And is it also interesting for ... »

Digital Business & Future 17.02.2021

ISG Provider Lens: Hyperscale providers benefit from the corona crisis

According to the latest ISG study, the major hyperscalers such as AWS, Microsoft and Google are benefiting ... »

Digital Business & Future 06.12.2020

NINE brackets becomes official partner of Actindo

The two Munich-based companies NINE brackets and Actindo have entered into a partnership. The aim of ... »

Digital Business & Future 03.12.2020

How digitization saves climate change

A study by Bitkom shows that almost half of the climate targets can be achieved by 2030 through digitisation. ... »

Digital Business & Future 13.11.2020

Where artificial intelligence surpasses human beings

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) has developed an AI that can convert spoken words into speech ... »

Uncategorized 07.10.2020

Security at the next level: How banks protect their applications

When it comes to bank security, the cloud strategy is decisive in the war. In this article, you will ... »

Digital Business & Future 09.09.2020

The ISG Star of Excellence Awards enters the third round

09.09.2020, Autor / Redaktion: MBF RedaktionISG has announced the launch of its third Star of Excellence ... »

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