
The ISG Star of Excellence Awards enters the third round

09.09.2020, Autor / Redaktion: MBF Redaktion

ISG has announced the launch of its third Star of Excellence Awards™ – The winners of the award will be announced in an online event on the 9th of September 2020 at 9:00 pm. Among the 24 nominees are: IBM, Fujitsu and Accenture.

In its “Voice of the Customer Journey” study, ISG ranked more than 1,500 business customers by their provider service quality in two categories: The first evaluates service between providers based on core technology services and cloud. The second category measures the companies by technology services that attracted positive attention due to their outstanding service in the areas of blockchain, big data analysis, machine learning/Ai and Internet of Things (IoT).

For many companies this is a figurehead for quality in the industry. And a proof of their strenghts within the industry. Among the nominees are global players such as IBM, DXC.technology, Fujitsu and many more.

Market your benchmarks right

Studies and award ceremonies often offer meaningful benchmarks to demonstrate a companies competitive edge. Potential customers need to see these figures, even if that means that other companies strengths and weaknesses are displayed. Combined with the right PR you have nothing to fret about. The Evernine Group, an ISG partner has long understood this:

“A study makes sense if you know how to market it correctly. What’s the point of investing a large budget in a benchmark analysis if you’re not going to effectively exploit the results and create a measureable value for your customers”, Tobias Massow, Business Developent Manager at the communications conultancy Evernine in Munich.

Learn more about the award and the nominees as well as the evaluation of ISG’s nominees. If you want to attend the event in live in person, you can register here for free.

Image source: iStock / DNY59
