Soon to come: Autonomous cars in Germany
Self-driving cars are still up in the air? Quite the contrary, in the upcoming years the auto pilots will come to Europe – iRobot is on its way.
Get in the car, fasten your seat belt and drive off? Not really, the Federal Ministry aims at legalizing the autopilot in vehicles, leading to the fact that no one has to drive his car autonomously in the future.
In this respect, the Vienna Convention on road traffic will be subject to change. Since, according to statistics, machines make fewer mistakes than human beings. The automotive vehicle as a safegurad against human failure in the road traffic?

„The automated and interconnected driving is the greatest mobility revolution since the invention of the automobile.”
In Germany, with respect to the Vienna Concention on road traffic from 1968, it is still permitted to drive autonomous cars. One year ago, a further agreement was added, authorizing partly self-driving cars in the road transport. However, a driver must be able to intervene at any time.
A communication note of the German Federal Ministry for transport and digital infrastructure stated: “The systems must comply with the technical regulations of the UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) and strutured in such a way that the driver can switch off the system any time”.
Potential greater than concerns
„The automated and interconnected driving is the greatest mobility revolution since the invention of the automobile. We want to establish this technology on the roads. Therefore, we strive for rapid modifications of the international traffic conventions”, said transport minister Dobrindt.
„We reached a relevant milestone: With our proposed legislation we paved the way for automized driving systems to take over more and more driving tasks. In a second step, we advocate international rules for self-driving cars with autopilot.“
Everything is set – Technology is simply waiting for approval
Automated driving is no longer rocket science. For a few years now, the big car manufacturers concentrate on this subject. Besides, electro pioneer Tesla tested an autopilot with great success and will make it available for consumer purchase soon.
The new legislative proposal could speed up the entire process around the topic in Germany. However, one question remains: How will customers respond to this innovative shift of self-driving cars?
A few advantages of autonomous cars:
✔ Fewer accidents, due to technological superiority
✔ Reduced costs for motor insurance
✔ More efficient journeys (no more rush hour)
Background: The federal cabinet approved the proposed “strategy for automated and interconnected driving” presented by Dobrindt on the 16th of September 2015.
Source of title image: Evernine
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