
The result of the new large provider comparison with ADM in Germany

Artificial intelligence is an important topic on the service market for application development and maintenance. Read here about the result of the new large provider comparison “ISG Provider Lens Germany 2019 – Application Development & Maintenance (ADM)”.

In its new edition, the study reports that leading providers are using AI and Machine Learning to further automate software development and maintenance. In this context, the study points out that smaller ADM providers should also invest more in AI and related technologies to not be left behind by large international providers. A total of 30 providers were evaluated in the study.

Huge differences between ADM-providers regarding AI

Die großen Anbieter haben KI-Technologien bereits in ihr Portfolio aufgenommen. Die kleineren Anbieter hingegen müssen aufpassen, dass sie angesichts dieser Entwicklung nicht in Rückstand geraten und deutlich überholt werden. Bisher können sich kleinere Unternehmen mit Fokus auf den deutschsprachigen und europäischen Markt vor allem dann behaupten, wenn sie über ein bestimmtes Branchen- und Spezialwissen verfügen und eine lokale Nähe zum Kunden aufweisen, so ISG.

Als weiteren Trend ist laut ISG die steigende Nachfrage nach geschäftszentrierten Kennzahlen und Metriken zu nennen. Unternehmen wollen einen Nachweis, inwiefern die Anwendungsentwicklung und -wartung die Geschäftsziele unterstützt. Diese Fachentscheider setzen dabei einen starken Fokus auf die digitale Transformation und wollen den Nutzen der ADM-Services für die Geschäftsergebnisse zuverlässig messen. Zudem ist das Umgehen und die Vertrautheit mit hybriden Cloudumgebungen unumgänglich.

The market for ADM services keeps moving

The market for ADM services will remain very agile in the future. In addition to applications, business processes will also become the focus of AI’s attention. Large providers already offer AI functions that analyze, evaluate and improve business processes. Medium-sized ADM providers can also keep up here, as they have access to AI systems via third-party providers and can integrate these into their own services. Five providers are positioned in the “Leader” quadrant of the “Next Generation ADM” study segment: Atos, Capgemini, DXC Technology, IBM and T-Systems.

Positioning of Next Generation ADM providers in Germany (Source: ISG Research 2018).

Next Generation ADM in der Finanzindustrie, Gesundheitswesen und Fertigungsindustrie

Existing systems also represent the biggest obstacle towards agile software development in the financial industry. Therefore, those vendors who can overcome these obstacles through code reuse, cloud integration, and containerization are at an advantage.

The demand for data analytics and newer technologies such as industrial machine learning has increased significantly in application development in the healthcare sector. These new technologies help decide whether a supplier can play a leading role in this market.



Industrial manufacturers, for example in the automotive industry, are currently putting their business processes to the test on a broad scale in order to make them agile. The ADM providers in this industry must therefore combine consulting on business processes with design know-how and methods of agile software development.

This article is based on an article by the Information Services Group.

Source cover image: iStock/ PhonlamaiPhoto
