Digitalisierung / digitalisation

Survey shows: Majority of consumers concerned about the future of the retail sector

The digital association Bitkom has published the results of a representative survey in which 1,055 internet users aged 16 and over were questioned. When asked what consumers would like to see, 70 percent of the respondents answered Wi-Fi. Basically, however, the survey also shows that online and offline commerce should not work against each other.

The second lockdown has come into effect. Many retailers in city centres are now fighting for their existence more than ever. The question is how they can be more attractive to their customers in order to increase sales. According to the survey, the desire for Wi-Fi is in first place. This is the answer given by the majority of respondents, regardless of age. Furthermore, there is a high demand for comparison software that indicates, for example, where what is available and at what price. Speaking of availability: 64% of respondents would like to know in real time where which item is in stock.

In general, 6 out of 10 want digitalisation to optimise the customer’s buying experience.

In this context, Bitkom CEO Dr. Bernhard Rohleder points out various possibilities that can help retailers:

“Free Wi-Fi for customers should be standard. The same goes for having your own web shop, especially for small and medium-sized shops. With Click & Collect, they can bring customers from the web into the shop when goods ordered online are collected in person. The corresponding technologies are now mature and available on the market for less money. A quick win especially for smaller shops. They should take advantage of the involuntary break and build a second, digital foothold.”

Demand for local shops on the rise in the online segment

The survey revealed that 66 per cent of the respondents miss an online offering from their nearby shops. This raises concerns that these would not survive the pandemic. To support them, platforms have been set up where people can support local retailers. Almost two-thirds of the respondents (60 percent) use this offer.

Source: iStock / svetikd
66 percent of respondents would like their local retailers to have an online shop. (Source: iStock / svetikd)

A fusion of online and offline retail would be quite conceivable in this context. Almost 6 out of 10 (58 percent) agree with this.

In addition to the personal benefit for the consumer, the respondents would also like to see opportunities for retailers to further improve their performance.

Source Cover Image: iStock / ipopba
