
Back up your data: No more IT disasters

Without any prior warning, the server room of a tax office was submerged in water. The damage was immense, but this service provider had the ultimative key solution.

All data is save

Jens Krüger tax accounting firm had to experience a terrible surprise after a  flood: the server-room was completely submerged in water. Nowadays, the firm obtains all its IT as a service from login2work.

Initial situation

Krüger tax accounting firm, located in Frankfurt, offers its clients full support in all their fiscal and economical issues.


” We don’t even notice the updates anymore and don’t have to stop our work for them.“

In addition to the preparation of financial statements and tax declarations, the firm offers continuous tax planning advice, financial and payroll accounting, as well as advice on topics such as business start-ups, financing and business planning.

After flood in the server room in 2009, the hardware was irreparably damaged. Documents and data could be saved because a backup solution was installed on another floor. To replace the destroyed hardware, however, the tax office would have had to invest a large sum of money.
In addition, significant implementation efforts would have been needed to get all systems running again. Instead of investing time and capital in the rebuilding of the IT infrastructure, Dipl.-Betriebswirt Jens Krüger decided on a fundamental change of direction: IT should no longer be run in-house. He is now building upon the services of the cloud computing provider login2work.

All IT applications of the law firm are run in the high-performance reporting center of login2work today – failure safety and system availability have increased significantly.

A couple of insights for you:


The Project

Login2work first performed a data recovery and created a copy of the previous computer environment for the law firm in its own fail-safe data center.
The applications that are used by the law firm’s staff every day were also transferred to the high-performance servers of login2work.

The total breakdown due to the flooding could be compensated very quickly: within a few days the new IT solution was ready to be used.

Der Zugriff auf die login2work-Umgebung erfolgt über das In­ternet. Die Anwender melden sich an ihrem PC über einen Web-Browser bei login2work an und können dann sofort die An­wendungen nutzen, die sie für ihre Arbeit benötigen – wie zum Beispiel die Microsoft Office-Programme oder die Fachapplika­tionen von DATEV.

Alle Daten werden im geschützten Rechen­zentrum von login2work gespeichert und kontinuierlich archi­viert. Auch der Zugang über das Web ist rundum geschützt: Die gesamte Kommunikation zwischen dem Endgerät des Benutzers und den Servern bei login2work wird durchgängig verschlüsselt.

Jens Krüger, Steuerberater und Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH), ist seine IT-Sorgen los: „Mit login2work müssen wir uns im IT-Bereich um nichts mehr selbst kümmern – so haben wir heute mehr Zeit für das Wesent­liche: die Arbeit mit unseren Mandanten.“

The advantages

From an economic point of view, the solution provided by the law firm offers the advantage that practically no capital is tied up within the technical systems.

Regular investments in new server hardware and software are no longer required – instead, the IT costs are calculated on utilization per user and month.

In addition, the Krüger tax office gains flexibility: if necessary, employees can access all applications and documents on the road or from home.

Automatic updates

Login2work installs the latest application versions directly in their datacenter – protracted installations on employee-computers are no longer required.

The user support is also handled completely by login2work: Krüger tax office has a personal contact for all technical questions.

“In the past, if software updates were installed on our PCs, the computers were not available for two to three hours during the process. Today don’t notice anything from the updates at all and we do not have to stop our work anymore.”

Picture Source: Ryan MCGuire via Gratispgraphy