
These gaming platforms should not be ignored in 2019

The success of a gaming platform depends largely on how it is accepted and supported by the gaming community. After all, what good is the best hardware if the best games are developed for completely different platforms due to a lack of interest?

At the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Google presents its absolute novelty in video games. Under the name Stadia, Google’s new streaming service for video games, which could revolutionize the entire gaming industry, was presented. You can imagine it like the successful video streaming platform Netflix.

The cloud is entering the gaming scene

As a new and completely cloud-based gaming service, Stadia will allow users to play sophisticated games on almost any device. This enables gamers to play their favourite games not only on one fixed device, but also on different compatible devices. All they need is a stable Internet connection to play games via Google’s streaming service.

Compatible devices can therefore be, for example, the smartphone, the tablet, the television itself, or even the normal laptop. The previous expensive game consoles, high-end gaming PCs, Playstation and Co. may soon be obsolete, especially since Microsoft had already introduced a similar service with Project xCloud at the end of last year.

The gaming of the present

So, like so many new developments, the future of gaming lies in the cloud. The only question is what gaming will look like in the present. According to a survey of professional game developers, the PC will still be the number 1 gaming platform in 2019.

Around two thirds of the developers surveyed are currently designing games for the PC, and 60 percent of gamers consider it to be the most interesting platform on the market.


On the 2nd place of the most interesting gaming platforms is surprisingly the Switch from Nintendo, which as an innovative hybrid of portable and home console has apparently convinced not only the gamers, but also the developers. Shortly thereafter, the PS4/Pro can join the ranks, followed by smartphones/tablets, the Xbox One/X, VR headsets, AR headsets and finally the Mac.

Everyone should know by now that the subject of e-sports is a huge market with a lot of potential. Not only the gaming scene is growing continuously, but more and more money is flowing into the development and marketing of new products and services. Anyone who is interested in the latest IT trends should keep an eye on the gaming scene.

Source Cover Image: iStock /gorodenkoff
