How the Halo Effect leads you to the perfect advertisement
You want your company to advertise successfully and attractively on mobile devices? Keep in mind the phenomenon of the halo effect. The core message: The success of advertisements depends on the positive or negative environment. Click here to find out how to optimize your advertising accordingly.
Now CMOs are becoming saints. The halo effect means that advertising is much better accepted by customers if it appears in an environment that they perceive as positive. Campaigns placed on high quality sites show a higher engagement rate, are perceived as more pleasant and stay longer in the memory of consumers.
As the neurological study Integral Ad Science on the Halo effect shows, the mobile advertising environment has an impact on the perception of a brand. Integral Ad Science showed respondents a banner with the same design on high or low quality pages. The aim was to distinguish advertising environments that were suitable or less suitable for placing ads.
Methodology & results of the study
For half an hour, 50 participants with an affinity for technology were guided through a simulated smartphone experience. Eight mobile pages, four of them with a good quality and four with a bad quality, formed the background. The pages were selected according to Integral Ad Science’s Brand Risk rating.
The results are clear: advertisements placed on a high quality website always generated a positive response. In addition, ads were clearly rated positive when seen on a high quality page.
High quality pays off
A clear negative trend was observed. Campaigns that were shown on a poor quality page were actively rejected. On the other hand, advertisements on high quality pages always showed a positive perception & commitment.

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