Video call

10 Tipps to look your best in a videocall

Poor lighting, the view up someone’s nostrils and an overall unprofessional appearance – the fears of every business professional in a video call. Logitech has ten tips on how to look your best and thus professional in your next video meeting.

As a business professional of course you’re no Hollywood star and don’t have a team of professionals solely taking care of your appearance – but still also you have to occasionally step in front of a camera – the webcam. Not only do we all want to look our best but above all we want our opposite to perceive us as professional. In these digital conversations, it’s the entire image that influences that. As you may have experienced it many times before, something in the picture just doesn’t seem right or you get the feeling that you look a bit “weird”.


In just a few simple steps, you can clean up your digital appearance by making a few adjustments. That way you can tune in to the next meeting without any distractions while feeling self-confident.

Logitech has come up with 10 tipps on how you can look your best in a video call:


  1. put the most important in the foreground: you.
  2. avoid bright, luminous backgrounds.
  3. place your camera at eye level.
  4. pay attention to your surroundings.
  5. wear solid patternless colors.
  6. make sure that you have a good internet connection.
  7. close unnecessary programs.
  8. check your audio.
  9. do a rehearsal run.
  10. invest in an external HD webcam.

Image source: Logitech
