
Mixed Reality or „I spy with my little eye!“

The fusion of reality and virtuality – and we don´t talk about normal computers and smartphones in your daily routine. Using special Holo-Glasses your daily work-routine will change fundamentally. Microsoft has the first product already on the market

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Already in four years there will be about 80 billion virtual reality gadgets on the market. IT companies and developers already use the immense potential.


The reason: The advantages of the so-called mixed reality have already been recognized at an early stage – industrial and communication designers as well as other professional groups open up unexpected possibilities.

Thus, for example, design will be brought to a whole new level. The creativity is no more boundaries set by software, the designer can create everything in a real space and in real-time.

At the Computex 2016 in Taiwan, Microsoft has announced that it will release Windows Holographic also for industrial partners and developers.

Microsoft beginns

Virtual reality has already arrived in the mainstream. Across the board, most of the manufacturers of entertainment electronics have their own portfolio.


With Windows Holographic, the US company has the only platform that shows the entire range of new interaction models and user interfaces.


With this mixed-reality platform, virtual reality, augmented reality and devices that move between these digital worlds, such as Microsoft HoloLens, can be created.


Of course, the fun is also getting his due in the mixed reality. Games are more real and the consumer would become more active


It still takes time until the platform is available for everyone, but the wait is definitely worth it, the end of monotonous office jobs is initiated!


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Source cover photo: Microsoft (Screenshot via YouTube)